Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Th Stage of Eternal life

''All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players,
They have their exits and they have their entrances,

And one man in his time plays many parts''
 William Shakespeare

So, if indeed it be true that we are merely actors in this stage of life, what is our purpose, where is our ultimate destination and why are we even here?
Did God have nothing better to do, than create a stage and fill it with puppets? Watching them as they endure emotions and feelings, pain and suffering, happiness and joy? - The death of a grandparent, the birth of a baby, the graduation of a sister, the heartbreak of first time love. An accomplishment of a new painting, a 1am trip to the drugstore, the birth of a new relationship. An invention of a new culinary recipe, the demise of an empire...

Is it all a game of life and then a game of death? Of good cop, bad cop, cowboys and gangsters, priests and therapists, strippers and clerks? 
Yet if everyone in our life is nothing but an actor, in this movie of ourselves, then who may I ask is hiding behind this mask?
Prosthetics and make up, wigs and clothes, boob jobs, hair dye, taupe's and hair rolls.
A perfected orchestration of anger and excitement, of rage and jubilation, gladness and grief. 

A dramatic piece centered around, expression of mind and interpretation through body.
With bright lights, glitter dust, backdrops and sound, now the time for the queen to be crowned! Yet suddenly hits a big loud shriek, as the music reaches its final peak! 
BANG! The curtains draw across, and silence fills the smokey air. 
Was it merely a grand illusion? Emotional trickery, masterminded in jest?
An artfulness of deceit in a sea of false reality, a slow burning self sabotage awaiting its fate.

In truth, looking beyond this grand and opulent theatre of life, now in darkness lies the biggest symphony of dazzling lights! A triumphant miracle of cosmic perfection, the grandest creation to ever prevail; The soul and spirit of God's man. 
Endless, immortal, eternal. 

The greatest works of God Himself, as he blew into us life, and granted our free will. Free will to choose, free will to create. 
To choose the Light and not the dark, to create and shape our own personal freedom.
Freedom of mind and freedom of heart. 

So that's the secret of this grand stage, an opportunity to create the story of our fate, choosing our cast and taking a walk, a walk with players in our life, to ultimately choose our final destination, the direction being off this stage; and onto the road of true Eternal life. 

See you next time.